Alan Moore - Two Early, Works, Five Late Works and One Bridging Work
Skizz (1983) [ with Jim Baikie ] Captain Britain Omnibus (1985-1987) [ Various Contributors, notably Dave Thorpe, Chris Claremont and Grant Morrison ] Lost Girls (2006) [ with Melinda Gebbie ] The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen [ with Kevin O'Neill ] Black Dossier (2007 ) [ also with Ray Zone ] Century 1910 (2009) Century 1969 (2011) Neonomicon (2010) [ with Anthony Johnston and Jacen Burrow s] Fashion Beast (2013 originally from a 1985 film script) [ with Anthony Johnston and Facundo Percio ] Skizz , first published in 1983 for British comic series 2000AD (originator of Judge Dredd and many other iconic comic figures), is a rather heart-warming tale. Yet the tale is told without losing an ounce of the dystopianism for which the British are so well known. Set on the Planet Burmy-Gam, it helps to read the text in a Brummy a...