Popular British Horror, Science Fiction and Fantasy At The Beginning of the Twenty First Century
A Colder War (2000) The Atrocity Archives (Laundry Files, #1) (2004) The Jennifer Morgue (Laundry Files #2) (2006) Halting State (Halting State #1) (2007) Charles Stross Keeping It Real (Quantum Gravity #1) (2006) Justina Robson The Devil You Know (Felix Castor, #1) (2006) Vicious Circle (Felix Castor #2) (2006) Dead Men's Boots (Felix Castor #3) (2007) God Save The Queen (Graphic Novel: The Sandman Presents #32) (2008) Thicker Than Water (Felix Castor #4) (2009) The Naming of the Beasts (Felix Castor #5) (2009) Mike Carey The Execution Channel (2007) Ken Macleod The Red Men (2008) Matthew De Abaitua The Bastion Prosecutor (Kalahari #2) (2009) A. J Marshall The mid-2000s were quite a good period for British popular fantasy-horror-science fiction genre writing. These books should not be neglected simply because time passes. What is curious is how a sex demon appears in two of them (and elven eroticism in a...